Portfolio Management and Asset Allocation in PE and VC 2024
Portfolio Management and Asset Allocation in PE and VC 2024
yet2024-09-06 18:02:36


The students are required to prepare the main body of a PE investment strategy. They will select 5 companies on the London Stock Exchange they wish to take private via a Public to Private offering. They will explain why they selected these companies and how they fit together in their fund. They will then explain how they value these companies and why they think they can do better with them. They will show the risk management strategy chosen for this combination of companies. They will take one company and describe how they will add value over the next 5 years of ownership. They will then explain the most likely exit strategy for this company and how they approach this.

Executive Summary;

-     Fund outline: Please detail here how large the fund is, what structure it takes and how much money you will invest, keep in reserve for further development.

Investment Thesis: Explain what the thesis is behind the portfolio. Here you go into the details of sector, size, geography considerations. You explain why this sector or size of company makes sense and how you think you can be a better owner of these companies than the public markets.

The five selected companies: Here you set out the five public companies you have selected and why these are your choice. You describe their historic returns, risk and Beta and how their risk profile looks.