In your answer sheet, answer one problem per page (even if your answer takes one line). That is, Problem 1 in a page, problem 2 in another page, etc.
Honor code (copy and paste to the first page of your exam)
? You may use the textbook, slides, and any notes you have. But you may not use the internet, except to access course material from NYU classes. ? You may NOT use communication tools to collaborate with other humans. This includes but is not limited to G-Chat, Messenger, E-mail, etc. ? Do not try to search for answers on the internet it will show in your answer and you will earn an immediate grade of 0. ? Anyone found sharing answers or communicating with another student during the exam period will earn an immediate grade of 0. ? “I understand the ground rules and agree to abide by them. I will not share answers or assist another student during this exam, nor will I seek assistance from another student or attempt to view their answers.” |